The view of the nature of humanity has been widely discussed in the christian religion. It is an interesting theme when we encounter questions such as; “why am I a christian but my neighbor is not?” or “why is there so much suffering in this world?”. While this discussion is big and affect other topics such as the atonement and the role of God and man in salvation. In this article we will only summarize the nature of man and it`s consequences.
What is human nature?
Nature may seem like a complex term to define but perhaps the word “characteristics” would serve good to simplify the word nature. So in christianity the view of human nature is that it is fallen in sin. But this was not always the case. In the genesis account we´re told that man was created in the image of God (Genesis 1:26-27). However because of the fall (Genesis 3.), our image have been twisted, affecting all aspects of our being. Therefore everyone is born with a sinful nature (Psalm 51:5).
What are the consequenses?
So the effects of the entrance of sin in the human nature are great. It has twisted our thoughts and desires to be opposed to God. An example of this would the sin of selfishness. Instead of wanting others to prosper and rejoice with their success, we covet their belongings. Instead of wanting a wife/husband to marry and have kids with, to the glory of God, we desire the benefits of holy matrimony without the bounds and responsibilites that the covenant of marriage brings. So you see that the effects of sin is that man desires liberation from all bounds and responsibilities, to be “free”. So then there is ultimately a shifting of worship. The worshipping that belongs to God shifts to the worship of the ego, the self. This is what seperates man from God, and man from man, causing all sorts of conflicts, small and big, from insults to wars.
What is the remedy for these consequences?
The only way to restore that which was once shattered and broken is the restoration by the maker. Meaning that God must interfere to restore the image in us and our relationship to our neighbor. The only way possible is through the mediator, the God-man Christ Jesus who came down from heaven to bring us close to the triune God. This is salvation.