Human nature

The view of the nature of humanity has been widely discussed in the christian religion. It is an interesting theme when we encounter questions such as; “why am I a christian but my neighbor is not?” or “why is there so much suffering in this world?”. While this discussion is big and affect other topics […]
A short summary of a couple of different aspects of the atonement, meaning how God mends the effects of sin, and reconciles his relationship with the world.
Before we come to the Lutheran position on the topic of justification, we have to lay the grounds of what exactly justification is. To put it simply, justification is the event (or the process) by which sinners are made right in the eyes of God. We believe that we are corrupt, fallen away from God, […]
Christian Basics: Sin and its Danger
A short introduction to why Christianity cares so much about sin, and some clarifications about what sin is. Hint: it is not breaking rules.
Vad är den nya skapelsen?
Jesaja 65:17-25, Matteus 6:10, I Korintiebrevet 15
Hur och varför bör vi älska vår nästa?
(3 Mose 19:18, I Johannesbrevet 4:20)
Vad är den orubbliga Guds kärleken?
(Hesekiel 18:30-32, Romarbrevet 5:8)
På vilket sätt är vi otillräckliga?
(Romarbrevet 3:10-18)
Gur främjer vi det sanna Evangelium?
(5 Mose 6:4-9, Johannes 15:13)
Vad är det sanna evangelium?
(Hosea 3)