Our Values at Crossbearer
As a response to the current crisis of our Protestant Churches, we want to hold fast the confession of our hope:
We believe in one God, the Father, the Almighty, maker of heaven and earth. We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ, the only Son of God. We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life.
- We bear witness to the one and only God: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. We reject the notion that the multiple religions worship one same god.
- We confess the absolute claim of Jesus Christ of being the only Way to God the Father. We reject the notion that God can be found apart from Christ.
- We cherish the creative work of God in making us humans after his image as male and female.
- We cherish the blessing of God for humanity to be fruitful and multiply, and so we adhere to the notion of marriage as the public lifelong covenant union of one man and one woman.
- We admit likewise that all of humanity, and we in particular, are sinners in the eyes of our Creator.
For us and for our salvation [Jesus Christ] came down from heaven.
- We confess the complete saving work of Jesus Christ, the Son of God: his incarnation, crucifixion, resurrection, ascension into heaven, and future coming. We refuse to deny any of these aspects in light of the unbelief of this age.
- We confess the work of Christ on the Cross to be both the penal substitution for our transgressions and the victory over sin, death and the devil. We refuse to dilute the death of Jesus to a mere unfortunate event, let alone to deny his bodily resurrection.
- We have heard the call of Jesus to repent and follow him, and we trust on his merits alone to approach the throne of God. We repent from our natural attempts to both justify ourselves through our deeds and to take the grace of God in vain by wilfully living in disobedience.
[The Holy Spirit] has spoken through the Prophets. We believe in one holy catholic and apostolic Church.
- We bear witness to the voice of God being faithfully expressed in the holy Scriptures. Given that God spoke through his prophets, we cannot distinguish between their human and divine authorship. We refuse to treat the holy Scriptures as a mere human book, but instead submit to its divine authority.
- We cherish the holy Scriptures as the only infallible norm by which to judge the teaching and behaviour of the Church.
- We cherish the faithful preaching of the holy Scriptures and the rightful administration of the Sacraments as solemn tasks of the local church, by which the flock of Christ is to be preserved.
- We uphold the confessions of faith of the Reformation as witnesses to the Christian faith. They remain relevant today and guide us in honest ecumenical dialogue.
- We accept the calling of God to serve our society, both as witnesses of the risen Christ and as helpers of the poor and needy. We refuse to let the opposition of this age alter our ministry in either word or deed.